Friday, 30 May 2014

KitKat hitting Sprint Galaxy Note 2 andinternational Mega 6.3

Samsung is busy pushing updates to many of its recent devices, and today we have a double feature for you, comprising of KitKat servings for Sprint’s venerable Galaxy Note 2 and the international version of the Galaxy Mega 6.3 .

Starting with the Note 2, according to Sprint’s update status page, software update L900VPUBNE2 will bring Android 4.4 KitKat and nothing else. While the changelog is cryptic, we know from updates to other models, that the Note 2 will gain features like support for cloud printing, NFC tap-to-pay support, all white icons in the status bar, full- screen album art, and the ability to put a camera shortcut on the lockscreen. There’s also the promise of improved performance and reduced battery consumption, as well as various stability fixes.

Sprint Note 2 users should get an update notification soon, but you can always try your luck with a manual check from Settings > About Phone > Software Updates.

Moving on to the aptly named Galaxy Mega 6.3, users in Russia report (model GT-I9200) that they are now able to update their phone/tablet to Android 4.4.2 KitKat via the Kies companion software. There are no reports of OTAs just yet, but those shouldn’t be far behind. Changes should be similar to those listed above for the Note 2. The update brings firmware number to I9200XXUDNE4.

Now that the update wave for the Mega 6.3 has started, expect more countries to get it, with unlocked models getting first dibs, followed by carrier models down the road. And, considering how similar the “smaller” Mega 5.8 is to the 6.3, its KitKat update shouldn’t be far behind either.

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